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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-21   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击: 40次    放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  一九八五年五月,台湾慈明寺开山长老 上 圣 下 印 老和尚,首度应邀前来奥克兰弘法,自此与纽西兰结下殊胜法缘,其后又数度来纽宣法。

  In May 1985, The Reverend Master Sheng Yin, the Founder of the Taiwan Tsi Ming Temple, was invited to Auckland to spread the Dharma. Since that time, he developed a special relationship with the Buddhist followers in New Zealand, and he continued to visit New Zealand to carry on the teaching of the Dharma.

  一九九一年七月,纽西兰佛门弟子为常沐大师法雨,决定将原“观音佛教会”、“正信佛教会”合组为“慈明佛教会”,恭请 上 圣 下 印 老和尚 担任会长,并于奥克兰市瓦依拉奇街购得道场现址

  In July 1991, in wishing to be continually guided by the Reverend Master, the Buddhist communities in New Zealand decided to merge the then existing "Kuan Yin Society" and "Cheng Hsin Society" to form the "New Zealand Tsi Ming Buddhist Society" and invited The Reverend Master Sheng Yin to be the Founding Leader. At the same time, the present property at 17 Wairakei Street, Greenlane, Auckland, was also acquired.

  一九九二年五月十八日,慈明寺正式成立,由开山长老 上 圣 下 印 老和尚邀请藏密大修行者 达赖喇嘛主持大雄宝殿破土仪式,并为华严三圣安座开光。

  On 15 May 1992, the Tsi Ming Buddhist temple was formally declared open. The Founder Reverend Master Sheng Yin invited His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, to officiate the groundbreaking ceremony for the Main Sgrine Hall, and the Blessing of the installation of the stsues of Sakyamuni Buddha, Manjusri Bohisattve and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva.

  盛大的动土大典之后,老和尚继续于世界各地进行忙碌的弘法行程,为了将此建设成一座清净庄严的道场,令其弟子 上 常 下 顺法师 为纽西兰慈明寺监院,往返奥克兰亲自监工,从设计、筹款到购料、监工,都躬亲奉执,领众参与工作。

  After that, Master Sheng Yin kept busy in spreading Buddhadharma around the world. As demanded to construct a temple with peace and dignity here, His displine Master Chang Shuen journeyed to and fro Auckland as a handson leader from designing, raising funds, purchasing materials to supervising workers.

  一九九五年五月十四日,纽西兰第一座佛教寺院建筑慈明寺落成,由开山长老 上 圣 下 印 老和尚、纽西兰政要、毛利族长老主席、天主教及达赖喇嘛代表共同主持剪彩象征种族、宗教、文化的融合。大雄宝殿并展示泰国僧王致赠的镇寺佛陀舍利开放供信众瞻仰膜拜。

  On 14 May 1995, the construction of the first purposebuilt Buddhist Temple in New Zealand, The Tsi Ming Temple, was completed. The opeing ceremony was led by the Founder Reverend Master Sheng Yin, together with political leaders and dignitaries in New Zealand, elders and leaders of the Maori people, and representatives of the Christian churches and of the Dalai Lama. This symbolises the unity of the different races, religions and cultures. A gift from the Chief Monk of Thailand, and the Sarira, Sakyamuni Buddh's relics, was displayed in the Main Shrine Hall for devotees to make obeisance and worship.

  一九九六年三月开山长老 上 圣 下 印 老和尚临般涅槃,命 上 常 下 顺法师 接任纽西兰慈明寺暨高雄圣愿寺住持,继其步伐而挑担大业。

  In March 1996, the Founder Reverend Master Sheng Yin entered nirvana. Master Chang Shuen succeeded as the Abbess of the New Zealand Tsi Ming Temple and the Kaohshiung Shen Yuan Temple.

  西元 2000 年 佛历 2544 年月吉日
  纽西兰慈明寺住持 释常顺 谨立
  开山老和尚 释圣印 著

  An auspicious day in December in the year 2544 in the Buddhist Calendar (2000CE)
  Inscribed by Shih Chang Shuen, Abbess of New Zealand Tsi Ming Temple
  Authored by The Great Master, The Venerable Shih Sheng Yin, Founder of Tsi Ming Temple.
