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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-21   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击: 20次    放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  柬埔寨班蒂斯蕾古刹(Banteay Srei)女皇宫
  班蒂斯蕾古刹(Banteay Srei)女皇宫建于10世纪,是吴哥古迹中最重要的建筑群之一,都是粉紅色砂岩建造而成的,它的建筑以小巧玲珑、精致剔透、富丽堂皇而著名于世,被称为“吴哥古迹明珠”和“吴哥艺术之钻”的美誉。

  班蒂斯蕾古刹(Banteay Srei)采用方形或长方形的层层城廓式规划,它坐西向东,由三层红砂岩围墙围护,围墙外还有一条壕沟。第一道围墙长110米、宽95米,通过第三道墙正东面的三个拱门,便可看见里面神塔梵宫。门体突于墙外,门上刻有浮雕,十分精美。

  Banteay Srey is among the oldest of the Angkor monuments, being built in the 10th century. Like many of the great Hindu temples; Bantey Srey was dedicated to Vishnu.

  Known as both lifegiver and destroyer, Vishnu is one of the most revered Hindu gods.

  Banteay Srey is unique in that the pink sandstone used in its construction is seen nowhere else in Angkor. The fine nature of the stone enabled the artisans to carve with a delicacy and three dimensionality, which is rarely seen outside of India and not at all in South East Asia.
