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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-19   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击: 31次    放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  印度维鲁巴克沙庙(Virupaksha Temple)
  维鲁巴克沙庙(Virupaksha Temple)被称为全城最避暑的地方,名符其实。寺庙是逐渐下渗的,所以越往里走,积水越多,脚丫伸下去,刺骨的凉意袭向周身,顿时睡意与暑意全部消失。
  维鲁巴克沙庙(Virupaksha Temple)在寺庙之内,也有浅浅的水槽,循环着流水,或许是水流动少,而整个寺庙又比较潮湿阴暗,青苔处处可见,水槽里也都满满的浮萍,青翠欲滴,煞是可人。当然,这里的建筑如今也只残存了一半,再往里走,就是纯粹的碎石块没有规则的横七竖八倒在那里 。这座建于1442年的皇家消暑胜地,是这座城市最早的建筑物之一,也是供奉着湿婆神(Shiva)的另一个化身:维鲁巴克沙Virupaksha。
  The Virupaksha Temple, located in Hampi is one of the few temples amidst ruins, still in worship. This temple is dedicated to Shiva, known here as Virupaksha or Pampapati. His consort Pampa is often associated with the Tungabhadra River. The Virupaksha or Pampapati temple has been considered throughout centuries to be the most sacred of the temples at Hampi. Pampapati means the lord of Pampa, the daughter of Brahma or the lord of the Pampatirtha.
  The Tungabhadra here is known as the Pampanadi. The Pampapati temple is situated in picturesque surroundings on the southern bank of the Tungabhadra, immediately to the north of the Hemkuta hill. The various parts of the temple complex are within a long rectangular enclosure divided into two large courts.
  There is evidence of additions to the temple made in late Chalukyan and Hoysala period but most of the buildings are attributed to the Vijayanagar period. The eastern gateway, which is the largest, is 50 m high.
