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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-19   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击: 10次    放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  老挝 Wisunarat寺(Wat Wisunarat)
  Wisunarat寺(Wat Wisunarat)建于1513年,1887年被入侵者毁坏,于1896年和1898年重建。

  Originally built in 1513 during the reign of Chao Wisunarat, this wat is the oldest operating temple in Luang Prabang. It was rebuilt between 1896 and 1898 following a fire set by Black Flag Haw raiders in 1887. In keeping with the wooden original, the building's restorers tried to make the balustraded windows look to be fashioned of lathed wood.
