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海外寺院  时间:2021-12-19   作者: 觉悟佛教网  来源: 网络  点击: 12次    放大 正常 缩小 关闭 手机版

  老挝阿汗寺(Wat Aham)
  阿汗寺(Wat Aham)寺供奉的是市民最尊崇的寮国佛陀像。

  Between Wat Wisunarat and the Nam Khan stands Wat Aham, which was formerly the residence of the Sangkharat (Supreme Patriarch of Lao Buddhism). Two large banyan trees grace the grounds, which are semideserted except for the occasional devotee who comes to make offerings to the town's most important spirit shrine at the base of the trees.
